
Hi all !

So this week we're off to Gopeng sebab UKM got big event with Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi. ouh, hello engineersss ! eh eh, hello UTP ! hihihi.

ahha gedik kah ? who cares. HAHA.


talk about mathematics, aku pun tataw kenapa maths, numbers and those freaking formula keep chasing me. ingatkan by chose this course it will be totally out of maths, numbers and kind tapi ada jugak bhai. alahai.

frankly speak, otak aku bukan jenis otak kira-kira exception for duit. HAHAHA. jangan ingat aku mata $$$ tapi cuba korang fikir kira duit kena pakai formula ke ? tak kan ? tak kan ? ahha. u got me.

*paw Google

bukan nak kata ni semua alasan basi ke apa, tapi seriously aku memang tak boleh tolerate dengan kira-kira. since primary, secondary went to college n now. pffuuuu. and jangan tak tahu yang aku pernah fail add-math zaman muda-muda dulu. ahahaha. and the A's grade for my SPM add-math just a greatttt miracle. Blinkkk !

kesimpulannya, aku tertekang dengan BIOSTAT. tekang weh ! tekang ! tssskk tssssskk.

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